4906 Load Error

[0:00:00.000] 2019-Oct-27 07:08:00
Reactions v1.0-4906-g6c7e67191 (2019-10-26)

[0:00:01.591] Source\ui\GlfwWindow.cc:create:235
[0:00:02.140] Source\ui\GlfwWindow.cc:create:290
[0:00:03.427] Devices {
[0:00:03.427] clang 9.0.0 (tags/RELEASE_900/final)
[0:00:03.427] Intel Core i7-3930K, 6 Cores 12 Threads
[0:00:03.427] Using 12 OMP threads
[0:00:03.427] CUDA {
[0:00:03.427] Driver 10.1, Runtime 10.1
[0:00:03.427] Active GPU 0: GeForce GTX 1070, CC6.1, PCI bus 2, OpenGL, 8.59GB
[0:00:03.600] }
[0:00:03.600] Vulkan {
[0:00:03.600] GeForce GTX 1070, API 1.1.99, Driver 431.344.0, CUDA Device 0
[0:00:03.601] }
[0:00:03.601] }
[0:00:03.601] Set primary device to GPU 0 (OpenGL device)
[0:00:03.603] load_graph_async Exception:
Error: No such file or directory, Filename: C:/Program Files/Jawset/Reactions 1.0.4898/examples/Particles/advect_curl_noise.rea

[0:00:03.644] Caching to “C:/Users\Daddy\ReactionsData\caches\cache01”

Clearly referencing the older build

On startup it tries to load the scene file that was opened in the previous session. You have probably uninstalled build 4898 since then, thus the file is gone.

Ah OK and it has cleared now