From Pixel Plow…“Use of Turbulence FD in your scene file requires that you use relative pathing to point to your simulation container. This is only functional in TFD builds 1.0.1047 and later. The relative path must be to the folder that holds the folder of your simulation cache, contrary to what would make sense. This means, if your simulation cache is in a folder called “Cache 001”, and that folder is sitting in the same folder as your scene file, the relative path to your cache would simply be “./”…meaning the folder holding your scene file. Apparently, that’s where Turbulence FD looks to find the folder that holds your simulation cache files. After defining a correct relative path to the cache files, you must select the cache again to link it to the object you wish it to modify.”
Also check for TFD version mismatches on the farm and locally
and see here Deadline Render?
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