Crashed with no dump file on frame 227 of 240 rendering out a Redshift sequence.
Windows 10 R23 (186.8 KB)
I suspect a GPU memory issue here are screen grabs, it has not crashed yet. I will give a GPU-Z log when it finishes/crashes… I know RS cannot bail out to RAM when rendering vdb is it the same for rea ? rea files are much larger than the vdb files and take up most of the render time when loading. If this is the case even the Titan will struggle on heavy scenes meaning Arnold or a 3090RT will be needed.
No crash this time. I suspect the 1070 is going to struggle with larger sims and the Titan does not have much leeway. I will convert to vbd and test again (94.1 KB)
1.5 hours to render using rea and 15.5 min to render with vdb (150.4 KB)
Thanks for the logs. Unfortunately there was nothing helpful relating to a crash in them.
If the crash is reproducible or you get a crash report please let me know.