Different colour per emitter with Redshift?


Does anyone know solution to have different colours per emitter to mix different colour smokes together?
With Redshift we are applying volume material into TFD container and not per emitter like with Octane render through Octane tag.

Any idea? Thanks.

Obviously having two containers is the one solution, but doesn’t sound most efficient.

Different colors per emitter don’t work in TFD yet. We’ll need a different shader and simulation support for that.
However, you can have different colors per fluid channel by creating multiple RS Volume Shaders and selecting different fluid channels on them.

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Hello, Can you explain this? I’ve never heard of fluid channels? How do i create them and select them in redshift?

Make 2 containers that have two sims with either one channel using 2 shaders if it is a smoke/density thing you want. or you can have as Jascha says 2 different shaders using 2 different channels to drive say density. So one shader had density linked to density and is blue another had density linked to temperature and is red.

If you need to get up to speed on TFD try my tutorials