How can I release my license?

Its says all available licenses are assigned to other machines

Via your customer account on jawset

Yeah, I searched there, can’t find it?

No such button

Volume licenses don’t support the Revoke feature.
There seems to have been some change to your system such that TFD did not recognize the machine anymore. I have reset the activation so you should now be able to re-activate the license on the upgraded machine.
We can also convert your node-locked Volume License to a Single User license at no additional cost. This allows you to use the license on any machine with one C4D license and use the Revoke feature if necessary. Please let me know if you would like to convert your license.

Its tied to the C4d license? If not then that will be very helpful! Thanks!

Yes, the Single User license is bound to a C4D license (not the C4D R version, though).