How to change simulation caches path by python in C4D?

How to change simulation caches path by python in C4D ?
I have tried many function in c4d doc, but doesn’t work.

Help please ~~
Thanks !!!

From Python you can read/write the cache path string from/to the parameter ID_CACHE_DIR on TFD container objects.

I tried this code:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import c4d

def main():
    doc = c4d.documents.GetActiveDocument()
    for ob in doc.GetObjects():
        if ob.GetType() == 1023131: # TurbulenceFD Container 1023131
            print "Mode: None"
            # print "Cache list:", ob.GetParameter(c4d.ID_CACHE_LIST, c4d.DESCFLAGS_GET_0)
            print "Cache dir:", ob.GetParameter(c4d.ID_CACHE_DIR, c4d.DESCFLAGS_GET_0)
            print "---------------------------------"
            print "Mode: Parameter retrieved"
            print "Cache list:", ob.GetParameter(c4d.ID_CACHE_LIST, c4d.DESCFLAGS_GET_PARAM_GET)
            print "Cache dir:", ob.GetParameter(c4d.ID_CACHE_DIR, c4d.DESCFLAGS_GET_PARAM_GET)
            print "---------------------------------"
            print "Mode: Private"
            # print "Cache list:", ob.GetParameter(c4d.ID_CACHE_LIST, c4d.DESCFLAGS_GET_NO_GLOBALDATA)
            print "Cache dir:", ob.GetParameter(c4d.ID_CACHE_DIR, c4d.DESCFLAGS_GET_NO_GLOBALDATA)
            print "---------------------------------"
            print "The GeData default type will not be initialized for GetParameter() if this flag is set"
            # print "Cache list:", ob.GetParameter(c4d.ID_CACHE_LIST, c4d.DESCFLAGS_GET_NO_GEDATADEFAULTVALUE)
            print "Cache dir:", ob.GetParameter(c4d.ID_CACHE_DIR, c4d.DESCFLAGS_GET_NO_GEDATADEFAULTVALUE)
if __name__ == "__main__":
    c4d.CallCommand(13957) # Clear Console

and the result is:
Mode: None
Cache dir: None

Mode: Parameter retrieved
Cache list: None
Cache dir: None

Mode: Private
Cache dir: None

The GeData default type will not be initialized for GetParameter() if this flag is set
Cache dir: None


Where is my error in code.

Thanks again !

Which version of TFD are you using?

My TFD version: 1.0.1435
My C4D version: R19.068

Build 1435 does not support access to these parameters from Python yet.
Please update to the latest build 1476.

Get it, thanks for answer ~~~