I’ve setup a simple missile launch from a helicopter. I composite all the layers in After Effects. So I’ll have the background, the helicopter, the missile, and hopefully a fire pass that will be set to additive, and finally a smoke pass. I’m not sure how to isolate the fire and smoke for rendering those passes. My gut tells me to turn off all the lights and make the smoke black to get the fire pass, but I’m not sure about the smoke. Do I turn off the fire? How do you layer it in the composite, just drop the fire right on top set to additive?
Appreciate any advice. I’m going to keep moving forward but would love to hear how folks are setting this up. BTW I’m doing this in LW 2015 using Build 1466. I know, old build and old 3d software, but it’s what I’m working with since newer versions of LW break turbulence FD and I haven’t learned Cinema4d yet. I’m still able to produce some awesome stuff, just new to fire composites.
Thanks again.