New to TurbulenceFD

Hey there,

like the topic shows I’am new to smoke simulations. But I’am an experienced Motion Graphic Designer, so I now After Effects pretty well and a little C4D. I also had an online workshop about Redshift.

But whats the reason for me writing here? :slight_smile:

I want to achieve 3 Shots for a student project.
The first one is a guy who smokes a joint and as he exhales I want to simulate a Ring/Vortex Ring that comes out.

So far Im getting slowly along, watching tutorials and trying it on my own, with C4D. It works ok, but one issue is always coming up. It seems like there is frame, that cuts my smoke and an edge is getting visible. Does anyone now why?

My object im using is a Torso, because the shape matches my ring I want to achieve.

In my mind its easy, just setting up the shape (Torso), animated like someone would shoot a ring out of his mouth, and doodle with the settings. Done. Am I right? :smiley:

Any help would be awesome!!
I will put a picture from my render so far, to see the render output.

Try this
smokering.c4d (191.2 KB)

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Jah Rastafari I and I…Feelin’ Irie.

Hey Paul, thank u for taking the time :slight_smile:
I like how ur smoke is looking.
From ur C4D file I can see, that u didn’t animate the Torus itself.
Is it better to let the simulation drive the animation of the Torus? I can just use the wind, even if there was no wind in the real scene at all?

I managed this render here, after spending sometime on tutorials.
I glad its now visible as a ring and not like in my screenshot before :smiley:
[](https://Render Preview)

So little steps, but it will get better. I started today to watch the course from Ben Watts on linkedin learning.

Best greetings

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Wind is good but often a plane with force it will do better, it can be moved around and you can have several lined up above each other with varying strengths to get a good, smoke stack effect.

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I have many hours of tutorials… TurbulenceFD (TFD) For Cinema 4D Fundamentals | Software | Training

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That’s a lot of hours u put in there. Very nice :slight_smile:
But for now I’am good and will see how I can improve my skillset from here.
U really gave me the idea to try it with a wind instead of animating the Torus itself.


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I’m also completely new to this product and Lightwave 3D.

The major reason I purchased Turbulence FD is I wanted a product which could realistically render fire and smoke for architectural walkthroughs & renderings.
Maybe the odd candlelight glowing in the dark?
A fireplace with fire?
Or smoke coming out of a chimney or an old fashioned locomotive?
Steam coming from a teapot or a coffee mug?
Cigarette smoke from an ashtray?

So, my needs are very basic.
Given what I’ve seen thus far, it should be a cinch to produce those effects.
Sorry if I don’t set my sets higher at this point.

Maybe ya’ll can tell ways for me to more imaginative and creative.
Suggest any other applications or uses which could be useful for me and I’ll attempt to learn some of those effects.
