I installed the Turbulence FD trial as indicated in the read me file, but the plugin does not appear in the extensions menu.
What am I doing wrong?
(Cinema 4D r21, iMac Pro, Catalina)
Did you add the TurbulenceFD directory to C4D’s Preferences/Plugins/Search Path?
Is this the latest v1.0 1463 you have installed?
In which directory did you copy the TFD folder?
Thank you.
Yes, Id downloaded the latest version from the website, v1. rev 1464 and I follow exactly the read me file.!
Here one screenshot. I installed the turbulence plugin in my Documents.
Bildschirmfoto 2020-09-22 um 06.58.55|690x471
Which version of MacOS are you using?
Il use the latest version of Catalina Witz Cinema r22
Just to be sure: in the first post you wrote R21. Did you switch the C4D version?
Which version exactly of R21 and/or R22 are you using? The version can be found in the Cinema 4D/About Cinema 4D menu at the bottom (see below).
When used on R21, the current build 1464 requires 21.200 or newer .There will be an update soon that supports older R21 versions again (like 21.022).
If you have been using an R21 version older than 21.200, please try the new build 1465.
Thank you.
Sorry, I Use Cinema r21. I’ll try right now the build 1465.
Now is the plugin here. Thank you.