Unfortunately, no reactions whatsoever.
[0:00:00.000] 2022-Mar-27 09:07:51
[0:00:00.000] Windows 10.0 Build 19042
[0:00:00.000] Shortcut collision: tab triggers edit/show-node-selector and view/focus-next-element. Using view/focus-next-element
[0:00:00.137] UI Device: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080, UUID E5468B99-B2B7-D565-1EB9-C9FB20CDE9E
[0:00:00.146] Reactions Plugin v0.2.7 (2022-03-18)
[0:00:00.147] Devices {
[0:00:00.147] AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3970X 32-Core, 32 Cores 64 Threads
[0:00:00.147] Phys. mem: 130959MB
[0:00:00.147] CUDA {
[0:00:00.147] Driver version 11.6, Runtime version 11.1
[0:00:00.147] Active GPU 0: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti, CC8.6, PCI bus 74, 12.88 GB
[0:00:00.147] Active GPU 1: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 (Display), CC8.6, PCI bus 33, 10.74 GB
[0:00:00.147] }
[0:00:00.147] Vulkan {
[0:00:00.147] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080, API 1.3.194, Driver 511.260.0, CUDA ID 1, UUID E5468B99-B2B7-D565-1EB9-C9FB20CDE9E
[0:00:00.147] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti, API 1.3.194, Driver 511.260.0, CUDA ID 0, UUID A8F2F8B8-E18C-3F30-267E-473E81A332F
[0:00:00.147] }
[0:00:00.147] }
[0:00:00.883] Cinema 4D Version 22123 API 21000
[0:00:00.883] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 OpenGL 4.6.0 NVIDIA 511.65 NVIDIA Corporation 511.65
[0:00:00.883] Cinema 4D Plugins: houdiniconfig addons advanced render alembic archigrass bitmapfilter bpexchange browser bugslife_client c4d21_bridge c4d21_bridge c4d_viewport_render c4dOctane-S22 ca ca2 cadexchange clothilde collada14 collada15 colorchoosergui compositing deployment dwg dwgobjects dynamics exchanges expressiontag fbx gltf goz gpurenderer hair HDRI Browser R21 HDRI Link R21 i_skp INSYDIUM_21 io_obj metrics mkmodeler mocca model mograph motioncam motiontracker nbp newman nodeeditor_material objects onlineupdater plugin_c4d_r21 projectassetinspector python redshift4c4d relaxuv sculpt sculptbrushes shader sketch sky sla spacemouse substance teamrender terraformfx_21 thinking particles tpoperators TurbulenceFD_R21_1481 uvviewport volumes walkthrough xpressocore xtensions
[0:00:00.884] Set primary device to CUDA 0
[0:00:00.000] 2022-Mar-27 10:28:48
[0:00:00.000] Windows 10.0 Build 19042
[0:00:00.000] Shortcut collision: tab triggers edit/show-node-selector and view/focus-next-element. Using view/focus-next-element
[0:00:00.144] UI Device: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080, UUID E5468B99-B2B7-D565-1EB9-C9FB20CDE9E
[0:00:00.153] Reactions Plugin v0.2.7-36 (2022-03-26)
[0:00:00.153] Devices {
[0:00:00.154] AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3970X 32-Core, 32 Cores 64 Threads
[0:00:00.154] Phys. mem: 130959MB
[0:00:00.154] CUDA {
[0:00:00.154] Driver version 11.6, Runtime version 11.1
[0:00:00.154] Active GPU 0: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti, CC8.6, PCI bus 74, 12.88 GB
[0:00:00.154] Active GPU 1: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 (Display), CC8.6, PCI bus 33, 10.74 GB
[0:00:00.154] }
[0:00:00.154] Vulkan {
[0:00:00.154] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080, API 1.3.194, Driver 511.260.0, CUDA ID 1, UUID E5468B99-B2B7-D565-1EB9-C9FB20CDE9E
[0:00:00.154] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti, API 1.3.194, Driver 511.260.0, CUDA ID 0, UUID A8F2F8B8-E18C-3F30-267E-473E81A332F
[0:00:00.154] }
[0:00:00.154] }
[0:00:00.884] Cinema 4D Version 22123 API 21000
[0:00:00.884] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 OpenGL 4.6.0 NVIDIA 511.65 NVIDIA Corporation 511.65
[0:00:00.884] Cinema 4D Plugins: houdiniconfig addons advanced render alembic archigrass bitmapfilter bpexchange browser bugslife_client c4d21_bridge c4d21_bridge c4d_viewport_render c4dOctane-S22 ca ca2 cadexchange clothilde collada14 collada15 colorchoosergui compositing deployment dwg dwgobjects dynamics exchanges expressiontag fbx gltf goz gpurenderer hair HDRI Browser R21 HDRI Link R21 i_skp INSYDIUM_21 io_obj metrics mkmodeler mocca model mograph motioncam motiontracker nbp newman nodeeditor_material objects onlineupdater plugin_c4d_r21 projectassetinspector python redshift4c4d relaxuv sculpt sculptbrushes shader sketch sky sla spacemouse substance teamrender terraformfx_21 thinking particles tpoperators TurbulenceFD_R21_1481 uvviewport volumes walkthrough xpressocore xtensions
[0:00:00.884] Set primary device to CUDA 0
[0:00:00.000] 2022-Mar-27 10:29:19
[0:00:00.000] Windows 10.0 Build 19042
[0:00:00.000] Shortcut collision: tab triggers edit/show-node-selector and view/focus-next-element. Using view/focus-next-element
[0:00:00.253] UI Device: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080, UUID E5468B99-B2B7-D565-1EB9-C9FB20CDE9E
[0:00:00.837] Reactions v0.2.7-36 (2022-03-26)
[0:00:00.837] Devices {
[0:00:00.837] AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3970X 32-Core, 32 Cores 64 Threads
[0:00:00.838] Phys. mem: 130959MB
[0:00:00.838] CUDA {
[0:00:00.838] Driver version 11.6, Runtime version 11.1
[0:00:00.838] Active GPU 0: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti, CC8.6, PCI bus 74, 12.88 GB
[0:00:00.838] Active GPU 1: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 (Display), CC8.6, PCI bus 33, 10.74 GB
[0:00:00.838] }
[0:00:00.838] Vulkan {
[0:00:00.838] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080, API 1.3.194, Driver 511.260.0, CUDA ID 1, UUID E5468B99-B2B7-D565-1EB9-C9FB20CDE9E
[0:00:00.838] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti, API 1.3.194, Driver 511.260.0, CUDA ID 0, UUID A8F2F8B8-E18C-3F30-267E-473E81A332F
[0:00:00.838] }
[0:00:00.838] }
[0:00:00.863] Set primary device to CUDA 0
[0:00:00.865] load_database: Error: No such file or directory, Filename: untitled.rea
[0:00:00.867] void jst::ui::StandaloneApp::startup_file_new_or_open(): Failed to load database from untitled.rea
[0:00:00.871] Cache path “” not accessible. Creating new path.
[0:00:00.874] Caching to “E:/C4DR21\Reactions\Unnamed-01.cache”
[0:00:06.278] ExecutableCache::store: executable already cached 42d6f1aa5b02eb33f9ada177017ee10355ada6ea
[0:01:24.741] ParameterFactory::construct: no ParameterFactory for type S2ui14PathListWidget
[0:01:24.741] ParameterFactory::construct: no ParameterFactory for type S2ui8TextEdit
[0:01:24.743] ParameterFactory::construct: no ParameterFactory for type S2ui14PathListWidget
[0:01:24.743] ParameterFactory::construct: no ParameterFactory for type S2ui19ColorGradientWidget
[0:01:24.744] ParameterFactory::construct: no ParameterFactory for type S2ui19ColorGradientWidget
[0:01:25.218] Cache path “” not accessible. Creating new path.
[0:01:25.218] Caching to “E:/C4DR21\Reactions\Untitled 1-01.cache”