Reactions beta doesn't work at all

Hello community.
I have a problem with the plugin. While Standalone version works fine, c4d has no reaction (no pun intended) what so ever. I click “flamethrower” and nothing happens.
Maybe "im missing something, but I have no Idea what to do

Please, help

Could you send/post the log file from %USERPROFILE%\ReactionsData\reactions.log ?
Thank you.

[0:00:00.000] 2022-Mar-27 06:40:33
[0:00:00.001] Windows 10.0 Build 19042
[0:00:00.001] Shortcut collision: tab triggers edit/show-node-selector and view/focus-next-element. Using view/focus-next-element
[0:00:00.202] UI Device: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080, UUID E5468B99-B2B7-D565-1EB9-C9FB20CDE9E
[0:00:00.227] Reactions Plugin v0.2.7 (2022-03-18)
[0:00:00.227] Devices {
[0:00:00.228] AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3970X 32-Core, 32 Cores 64 Threads
[0:00:00.228] Phys. mem: 130959MB
[0:00:00.228] CUDA {
[0:00:00.228] Driver version 11.6, Runtime version 11.1
[0:00:00.228] Active GPU 0: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti, CC8.6, PCI bus 74, 12.88 GB
[0:00:00.228] Active GPU 1: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 (Display), CC8.6, PCI bus 33, 10.74 GB
[0:00:00.228] }
[0:00:00.228] Vulkan {
[0:00:00.228] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080, API 1.3.194, Driver 511.260.0, CUDA ID 1, UUID E5468B99-B2B7-D565-1EB9-C9FB20CDE9E
[0:00:00.228] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti, API 1.3.194, Driver 511.260.0, CUDA ID 0, UUID A8F2F8B8-E18C-3F30-267E-473E81A332F
[0:00:00.228] }
[0:00:00.228] }
[0:00:02.259] Cinema 4D Version 22123 API 21000
[0:00:02.260] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 OpenGL 4.6.0 NVIDIA 511.65 NVIDIA Corporation 511.65
[0:00:02.260] Cinema 4D Plugins: houdiniconfig addons advanced render alembic archigrass bitmapfilter bpexchange browser bugslife_client c4d21_bridge c4d21_bridge c4d_viewport_render c4dOctane-S22 ca ca2 cadexchange clothilde collada14 collada15 colorchoosergui compositing deployment dwg dwgobjects dynamics exchanges expressiontag fbx gltf goz gpurenderer hair HDRI Browser R21 HDRI Link R21 i_skp INSYDIUM_21 io_obj metrics mkmodeler mocca model mograph motioncam motiontracker nbp newman nodeeditor_material objects onlineupdater plugin_c4d_r21 projectassetinspector python redshift4c4d relaxuv sculpt sculptbrushes shader sketch sky sla spacemouse substance teamrender terraformfx_21 thinking particles tpoperators TurbulenceFD_R21_1481 uvviewport volumes walkthrough xpressocore xtensions
[0:00:02.260] Set primary device to CUDA 0
[0:01:37.544] ParameterFactory::construct: no ParameterFactory for type S2ui14PathListWidget
[0:01:37.545] ParameterFactory::construct: no ParameterFactory for type S2ui8TextEdit
[0:01:37.547] ParameterFactory::construct: no ParameterFactory for type S2ui14PathListWidget
[0:01:37.547] ParameterFactory::construct: no ParameterFactory for type S2ui19ColorGradientWidget
[0:01:37.547] ParameterFactory::construct: no ParameterFactory for type S2ui19ColorGradientWidget
[0:01:38.137] Cache path “” not accessible. Creating new path.
[0:01:38.140] Caching to “E:/C4DR21\Reactions\Untitled 1-01.cache”
[0:05:17.501] void jst::UndoCommand::undo(): InPort::disconnect_half: invalid connection /create/Voxelize/ports/volume_grid → /create/Combustion/ports/volume_grid
[0:05:17.503] DfgAdapter::remove_material_connection: unmapped object /create/Volume Grid
[0:05:22.590] ParameterFactory::construct: no ParameterFactory for type S2ui14PathListWidget
[0:05:22.590] ParameterFactory::construct: no ParameterFactory for type S2ui8TextEdit
[0:05:22.591] ParameterFactory::construct: no ParameterFactory for type S2ui14PathListWidget
[0:05:22.591] ParameterFactory::construct: no ParameterFactory for type S2ui19ColorGradientWidget
[0:05:22.591] ParameterFactory::construct: no ParameterFactory for type S2ui19ColorGradientWidget

and this is a link to the whole file:

Thanks. Please try this newer build
And also try setting Preferences/Viewport Hardware/Anti-Aliasing to 4 and restart C4D.

Unfortunately, no reactions whatsoever.

[0:00:00.000] 2022-Mar-27 09:07:51
[0:00:00.000] Windows 10.0 Build 19042
[0:00:00.000] Shortcut collision: tab triggers edit/show-node-selector and view/focus-next-element. Using view/focus-next-element
[0:00:00.137] UI Device: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080, UUID E5468B99-B2B7-D565-1EB9-C9FB20CDE9E
[0:00:00.146] Reactions Plugin v0.2.7 (2022-03-18)
[0:00:00.147] Devices {
[0:00:00.147] AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3970X 32-Core, 32 Cores 64 Threads
[0:00:00.147] Phys. mem: 130959MB
[0:00:00.147] CUDA {
[0:00:00.147] Driver version 11.6, Runtime version 11.1
[0:00:00.147] Active GPU 0: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti, CC8.6, PCI bus 74, 12.88 GB
[0:00:00.147] Active GPU 1: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 (Display), CC8.6, PCI bus 33, 10.74 GB
[0:00:00.147] }
[0:00:00.147] Vulkan {
[0:00:00.147] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080, API 1.3.194, Driver 511.260.0, CUDA ID 1, UUID E5468B99-B2B7-D565-1EB9-C9FB20CDE9E
[0:00:00.147] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti, API 1.3.194, Driver 511.260.0, CUDA ID 0, UUID A8F2F8B8-E18C-3F30-267E-473E81A332F
[0:00:00.147] }
[0:00:00.147] }
[0:00:00.883] Cinema 4D Version 22123 API 21000
[0:00:00.883] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 OpenGL 4.6.0 NVIDIA 511.65 NVIDIA Corporation 511.65
[0:00:00.883] Cinema 4D Plugins: houdiniconfig addons advanced render alembic archigrass bitmapfilter bpexchange browser bugslife_client c4d21_bridge c4d21_bridge c4d_viewport_render c4dOctane-S22 ca ca2 cadexchange clothilde collada14 collada15 colorchoosergui compositing deployment dwg dwgobjects dynamics exchanges expressiontag fbx gltf goz gpurenderer hair HDRI Browser R21 HDRI Link R21 i_skp INSYDIUM_21 io_obj metrics mkmodeler mocca model mograph motioncam motiontracker nbp newman nodeeditor_material objects onlineupdater plugin_c4d_r21 projectassetinspector python redshift4c4d relaxuv sculpt sculptbrushes shader sketch sky sla spacemouse substance teamrender terraformfx_21 thinking particles tpoperators TurbulenceFD_R21_1481 uvviewport volumes walkthrough xpressocore xtensions
[0:00:00.884] Set primary device to CUDA 0
[0:00:00.000] 2022-Mar-27 10:28:48
[0:00:00.000] Windows 10.0 Build 19042
[0:00:00.000] Shortcut collision: tab triggers edit/show-node-selector and view/focus-next-element. Using view/focus-next-element
[0:00:00.144] UI Device: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080, UUID E5468B99-B2B7-D565-1EB9-C9FB20CDE9E
[0:00:00.153] Reactions Plugin v0.2.7-36 (2022-03-26)
[0:00:00.153] Devices {
[0:00:00.154] AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3970X 32-Core, 32 Cores 64 Threads
[0:00:00.154] Phys. mem: 130959MB
[0:00:00.154] CUDA {
[0:00:00.154] Driver version 11.6, Runtime version 11.1
[0:00:00.154] Active GPU 0: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti, CC8.6, PCI bus 74, 12.88 GB
[0:00:00.154] Active GPU 1: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 (Display), CC8.6, PCI bus 33, 10.74 GB
[0:00:00.154] }
[0:00:00.154] Vulkan {
[0:00:00.154] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080, API 1.3.194, Driver 511.260.0, CUDA ID 1, UUID E5468B99-B2B7-D565-1EB9-C9FB20CDE9E
[0:00:00.154] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti, API 1.3.194, Driver 511.260.0, CUDA ID 0, UUID A8F2F8B8-E18C-3F30-267E-473E81A332F
[0:00:00.154] }
[0:00:00.154] }
[0:00:00.884] Cinema 4D Version 22123 API 21000
[0:00:00.884] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 OpenGL 4.6.0 NVIDIA 511.65 NVIDIA Corporation 511.65
[0:00:00.884] Cinema 4D Plugins: houdiniconfig addons advanced render alembic archigrass bitmapfilter bpexchange browser bugslife_client c4d21_bridge c4d21_bridge c4d_viewport_render c4dOctane-S22 ca ca2 cadexchange clothilde collada14 collada15 colorchoosergui compositing deployment dwg dwgobjects dynamics exchanges expressiontag fbx gltf goz gpurenderer hair HDRI Browser R21 HDRI Link R21 i_skp INSYDIUM_21 io_obj metrics mkmodeler mocca model mograph motioncam motiontracker nbp newman nodeeditor_material objects onlineupdater plugin_c4d_r21 projectassetinspector python redshift4c4d relaxuv sculpt sculptbrushes shader sketch sky sla spacemouse substance teamrender terraformfx_21 thinking particles tpoperators TurbulenceFD_R21_1481 uvviewport volumes walkthrough xpressocore xtensions
[0:00:00.884] Set primary device to CUDA 0
[0:00:00.000] 2022-Mar-27 10:29:19
[0:00:00.000] Windows 10.0 Build 19042
[0:00:00.000] Shortcut collision: tab triggers edit/show-node-selector and view/focus-next-element. Using view/focus-next-element
[0:00:00.253] UI Device: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080, UUID E5468B99-B2B7-D565-1EB9-C9FB20CDE9E
[0:00:00.837] Reactions v0.2.7-36 (2022-03-26)
[0:00:00.837] Devices {
[0:00:00.837] AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3970X 32-Core, 32 Cores 64 Threads
[0:00:00.838] Phys. mem: 130959MB
[0:00:00.838] CUDA {
[0:00:00.838] Driver version 11.6, Runtime version 11.1
[0:00:00.838] Active GPU 0: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti, CC8.6, PCI bus 74, 12.88 GB
[0:00:00.838] Active GPU 1: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 (Display), CC8.6, PCI bus 33, 10.74 GB
[0:00:00.838] }
[0:00:00.838] Vulkan {
[0:00:00.838] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080, API 1.3.194, Driver 511.260.0, CUDA ID 1, UUID E5468B99-B2B7-D565-1EB9-C9FB20CDE9E
[0:00:00.838] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti, API 1.3.194, Driver 511.260.0, CUDA ID 0, UUID A8F2F8B8-E18C-3F30-267E-473E81A332F
[0:00:00.838] }
[0:00:00.838] }
[0:00:00.863] Set primary device to CUDA 0
[0:00:00.865] load_database: Error: No such file or directory, Filename: untitled.rea
[0:00:00.867] void jst::ui::StandaloneApp::startup_file_new_or_open(): Failed to load database from untitled.rea
[0:00:00.871] Cache path “” not accessible. Creating new path.
[0:00:00.874] Caching to “E:/C4DR21\Reactions\Unnamed-01.cache”
[0:00:06.278] ExecutableCache::store: executable already cached 42d6f1aa5b02eb33f9ada177017ee10355ada6ea
[0:01:24.741] ParameterFactory::construct: no ParameterFactory for type S2ui14PathListWidget
[0:01:24.741] ParameterFactory::construct: no ParameterFactory for type S2ui8TextEdit
[0:01:24.743] ParameterFactory::construct: no ParameterFactory for type S2ui14PathListWidget
[0:01:24.743] ParameterFactory::construct: no ParameterFactory for type S2ui19ColorGradientWidget
[0:01:24.744] ParameterFactory::construct: no ParameterFactory for type S2ui19ColorGradientWidget
[0:01:25.218] Cache path “” not accessible. Creating new path.
[0:01:25.218] Caching to “E:/C4DR21\Reactions\Untitled 1-01.cache”

Thanks Petr,

  1. When you select the flame thrower template, do the objects and tags show up in C4D’s object manager?
  2. If so, try switching through all of the Preferences/Viewport Hardware/Anti-Aliasing settings. Does any of them work?
  3. Try updating your Nvidia driver to the latest Studio Driver.

All the tags do show up,
I tried all the settings and I have the latest Sudio Drivers, but nothing.
Though, according to the FPS counter, something is happening but I do not see it

C4D file:

Please try the following:

  • Install this build
  • Hold Shift+Ctrl while starting C4D R22
  • C4D should show a popup after startup “Using minimal viewport settings”.
  • Add the Flame Thrower Template
  • Set Preferences/Viewport Hardware/Anti-Aliasing to 4
  • Does the viewport preview then show?

Thank you.

Unfortunately, no success.
Though, according to FPS counter, the system does compute something, but I do not see it.

Thanks Petr.
Do you have other C4D versions (older or newer) that you could test with to compare?
Could you also try removing all other plugins to check for a potential conflict?

Yes, I have already tested the plugin with R21 (with the same serult) and I plan to test it with S23 this week. I’ll get beck to you when I have the results

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