I always love Turbulencefd, but it still have some issues that long time no fixed.
Cannot convert .bcf file that bigger than 4.1 GB with 1 channel ( like temperature or density … ) , ( and 4.1 * 3 = 12.3 GB with 3 channels ) ( and 4.1 * 3 + 4.1 * 3 = 24.6 GB with 3 channels + 1 channel velocity including 3 dimension x,y,z )
Too slow ( not opimized ) vdb convert process. I take all days to convert a bcf sequence. Even longer than times to simulate that sequence. Example, if I have 300 bcf. frame in folder named cache 001 ( the final frame is a 4GB bcf file, pretty heavy ). It will takes forere ( I mean it’s really forever ) to convert 300 frame. I used to wait for 2 days and it’s still running. So have to do this steps:
- Step 1: Copy 30 bcf. file to a new folder, convert bcf2vdb in that folder, delete 20 bcf. files
- Step 2 : Copy 20 bcf. file to a new folder, convert bcf2vdb in that folder, delete 20 bcf. files
- Step 3 : Copy 10 bcf. file to a new folder, convert bcf2vdb in that folder, delete 10 bcf. files
- Step 4 : Copy 5 bcf. file to a new folder, convert bcf2vdb in that folder, delete 5 bcf. files
… until I convert all of 300 files. and It take a morning to finish.
I have feeling that this issue due to the convert tool does not convert frame by frame, but it covert many frames at the same time. This lead to crash. I wish it have better optimized workflow.