Some Turbulencefd's issues

I always love Turbulencefd, but it still have some issues that long time no fixed.

  1. Cannot convert .bcf file that bigger than 4.1 GB with 1 channel ( like temperature or density … ) , ( and 4.1 * 3 = 12.3 GB with 3 channels ) ( and 4.1 * 3 + 4.1 * 3 = 24.6 GB with 3 channels + 1 channel velocity including 3 dimension x,y,z )

  2. Too slow ( not opimized ) vdb convert process. I take all days to convert a bcf sequence. Even longer than times to simulate that sequence. Example, if I have 300 bcf. frame in folder named cache 001 ( the final frame is a 4GB bcf file, pretty heavy ). It will takes forere ( I mean it’s really forever ) to convert 300 frame. I used to wait for 2 days and it’s still running. So have to do this steps:

  • Step 1: Copy 30 bcf. file to a new folder, convert bcf2vdb in that folder, delete 20 bcf. files
  • Step 2 : Copy 20 bcf. file to a new folder, convert bcf2vdb in that folder, delete 20 bcf. files
  • Step 3 : Copy 10 bcf. file to a new folder, convert bcf2vdb in that folder, delete 10 bcf. files
  • Step 4 : Copy 5 bcf. file to a new folder, convert bcf2vdb in that folder, delete 5 bcf. files
    … until I convert all of 300 files. and It take a morning to finish.

I have feeling that this issue due to the convert tool does not convert frame by frame, but it covert many frames at the same time. This lead to crash. I wish it have better optimized workflow.

I don’t see bcf2vdb getting any updates as reactions has this issue solved…at least for smaller rea files

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If you are rendering with Arnold you do not really need to convert to vdb…even RS is OK with bcf but slower

With large simulate, converting is really need because Tfd viewport perfomace is weak. Also, the vdb is needed to use Arnold complex volume shading system.

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Agreed the live updating of the IPR is a bonus but it works fine for me with bcf. But for shading ? I can use volume sampling in the shader network editor using a TFD container with bcf. The float nodes are simply looking for a channel name and are not concerned about vdb or bcf

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Yes. You can use step size for vdb to improve rendertime much faster. I use it for multiscattering with many bounce effeciently.

You can use step size on a tfd container with an arnold tag