TFD Group buy-in for December 2019

Hi there!
I’m organizing another group-buy in for TurbulenceFD for both LightWave3D and Cinema4D.
For more information please visit
I’m running the program until December 22nd so as to ensure people have enough time to take advantage of this before full on holiday break kicks in.
We have done several of these group-buy-ins for TFD and other tools over the years at and we appreciate the development efforts of Jascha and other tools developers out there to great success.
Let’s do it again!

For questions, please contact me through the the site.
Do you want to produce tutorials for sale on for TurbulenceFD? While I have the LightWave3D side covered, we could use someone who know how to use it for Cinema4D. If you want to do this and produce other tutorials, let us know.


Kat you know of my C4D tutorials…could do a bundle with yours if you wish

Providing we actually any C4D users to participate. I will consider it. We only got 1 person last time around of the C4D side compared to dozens on the LightWave3d side. So far no C4D people have chimed in which is kind of drag because if they did it would help bring the price down for everyone.
so spread the word.

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However I am not sure who this forum is for ? Licensed users only ?