I got a Problem with the rendersettings of a Volume Shader with TFD Settings.
I dont understand how the Gradients work. I have to use Blackbody, and then i can render a Reallistic Fire.
If i need to modify the Color of a Volume how do i have to do it ? Color ramp does only use the first Colors on the Left Side. Only a little Area isd used in the flame. I dont undestand the Gradientcolor and the Setting Multiply with Ramp, Multiply with Temperature and Replace. onlyx Blackbody works well. But i can only set the Brightness of the Flame. Emmision Radient works bad.
you control the colour with the temperature, however you can always adjust it in post…as you should. if you want to use a gradient make the left 100% black, then add red, orange and yellow with white at the right. to sharpen the fire bring the black point over to the right, the closer it gets to the red the sharper the fire will be. You also can adjust the amount of fire with the remapping function
Here i have two Renders. If i use the Standard Color i got a bad result. The second is with a modified Radient. Is it possible to set the Sensitive colors along the whole Gradient from Left to Right and not that little Space ?
Ok. i have found a Viedeo on Youtube and it says that a Raw Voxel will not work with Redshift. I have to Convert it with bcf2vdb. After that i can import inside a Volume Shader.
TFD native bcf WILL work with Redshift…it just takes longer to load than a vdb. In fact you yourself have shown it works.
Your problem is with shading fire and RS is a pain in the ar*se to get fire looking good. Arnold does it easily straight out of the box and it works very well with bcf files though there is a delay in loading. I find it best with Arnold to work with bcf and do my finals with vdb as if I have to tweak the sim I have to reconvert to Vdb.
Arnold also works very well using the TFD inbuilt shader, in other words you do not have to add a volume material but I rarely use that.
RS is very fast for many things but I prefer Arnold for TFD. if you are doing paid work getting both for a project is not going to bring your bank down.
And Arnold IS fast if you dial the settings in. Add that to the many hours you save tweaking and messing around with RS makes Arnold the render engine of choice for me for TFD. If animating a camera fly i often find it best to do the scene render with Physical render and GI and then do just the TFD with Arnold using matte objects then comp the two together. Saying that I will revisit RS soon but i am most miffed about their demo rules…2 weeks and that is it…pointless…I cannot test the new blackbody. I work using a 6 core and do finals on a dual 8 core Xeon and am happy with render times…if I could ever afford a 32 core or a 64 core I would be dancing !! And of course with Arnold being CPU you can be rendering frames while your GPU is simulating…even better than the ‘simulate while rendering’ option. Though saying that I have two GPUs which does help as one is headless and just does sims.