C4D 2023 support

Any idea when 2023 support will be added? I tried porting over the plugin folder from 26 and it wont work. Would love to get this going in 2023.


TFD v1.0 1486 with support for C4D 2023 is available now.


Hello friends, the support includes for mac because I tried to install it but it does not appear in 2023

Have you looked in the extensions menu ?

recently working in c4d 2023. xparticles spawning emitter using vertex map on surface. Using fields Torus to run across surface and emit x particles on surface to trigger TFD smoke. it worked for a few sim caches then after many restarts and c4d updates still crashes during the sim about 60% through…freezes… so I decided just to open R25 to check… and it works absolutely fine in R25…so this project has been moved back to R25. must be an issue with vertex maps, xparticles, in 2023… not sure… Since I can work in R25 no problem its not really a huge issue but wanted to put out a notice… maybe it needs some review.

I actually think now that something else was going on that has to do with something causing my computer having to spend more time calculating…because R25 began crashing as well… and i fell into the restarting over and over. Then I went back to 2023 and just decided since it was crashing in R25 too maybe it didnt matter and there was nothing wrong in 2023 LOL!!! So I just decided to let the computer sit there even if seemed like it crashed and it eventually popped back out of the - “not responding” report in the task manager. anyway it seems like something else in the background was causing the program to chug along.(even though no other programs were open) because whatever I was trying to do was a simple test to get my workflow down before applying it to a scene I am working on.

It is freezing when simming not rendering ? Have you updated your GPU drivers recently ? If so try a roll back if not try an update.

Can you test using standard particles or TP ?

interesting. ok good idea. I have recently upgraded to C4d and Redshift updates. I noticed there is a cache in the preferences and there is a path to save the simulation… the preferences path was on my local drive and so I moved it off to an SSD drive… I will keep working with it to see how the behavior changes. I got it to render so I am pleased that its working…I have seen it run faster on my 3090 though but I will take this speed…lol…

ok I checked my drivers and the latest was at .49 and my current one was .24 so it looks like it was behind some versions. Anyway i downloaded and installed… and it ran a sim on my CPU and it went along fine. GPU looks to be working fine as well. Thanks for your advice it seems to have worked!

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update… sometimes it crashes (on the sim) and sometimes it makes it. I keep switching the graphics card or the CPU when it crashes and it seems to work sometimes. I tried restarting and re-simming on the same card and it will get hung up half way through… so then on the next try I will switch it and it seems to work. My last try I just switched it to the CPU and that seemed to work… took longer but it worked.

Have you tried a similar sim with standard or TP particles to check if it is an Xparticle issue

okay will try that… I am suspicious that for some reason some parts were just intense computational parts and I was just not seeing activity for 5-10 minutes so I quit…some of them were definitely crashes… but I am not sure about others…it would be helpful if there was a console to see the last action taken…then I could just watch that and get a better idea. so far its working again… i have a system setup where I am using one set of particles to trigger another emitter(that is the TFD trigger) on a vertex map texture.(not sure if that will work with Thinking particles) I guess if it keep crashing I will try to figure that out…thanks!!

there is a log file at %APPDATA%\jawset\turbulence.log

My TFD Tutorials

oh really! I will be checking it frequently.thanks!

Working on M2 Max macbook Pro. Downloaded the latest installatoin files and nothing appears in the extensions menu.

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Also running C4D 2023.2.1

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Fine on Win10 Pro

Same on my Mac, impossible to see in extensions, C4D 2023.1.3. Did you find a solution? Thx!

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for some reason I am not able to open C4D 2023.2.2 with the TFD plugin installed – C4D never launches – Only will launch after I remove the TFD Plugin folder