TFD sims export to VDB?

Is there away to export the TFD container sim files into a VDB. This way I can open the VDB in C4D 2025 and render in the latest c4d version?

Yes use the bcf converter program Quick bcf2vdb guide

thanks for the tip!! I am using it now. I dont want to jump to conclusion but is it a slow process or should I expect it to convert automatically like saving? Because I tried it and nothing is happening it seems? I will keep messing with it.

It can be slow…but it should work ok…try putting say 20 bcfs into a folder and convert them using the instructions given, tell me if it does not work

Not sure about 2025 as my PC will not run it but Arnold in r26 renders bcf files natively

ok I will try that… I thought it was the redistributable file was obsolete but when I put in a later version that didnt work… but I will try the smaller count in the folder… I did notice my memory consumption sky rocketed to the max 256gb in the task manager…when it starts… It does something and then stops and the prompt screen dissappears and when i check the folder there is only 1 empty VDB file. Just file number one in the count. I guess there is a chance these files are too big…but its just an up-rezed smoke sim… 260 frames that add up to 300 gigs…

Try it with the base no uprzed bcf files…there may be an issue with uprezed files. I assume you want to work with redshift ? Older versions of RS used to be able to render bcf…I doubt if that can now. If you have a link you can put up to say 5 files base and upresed I will see what I can do.Try dropbox ? Huge scenes are best done in Arnold and making use of the massive RAM you can throw at it…I have 128 GB

Also Lightwave uses TFD now and I think saves to VDB natively…not sure…check it out. New features - LightWave3D® Edit…no I think it saves to bcf !!

They have a section in their docs for BCF2VDB but there is no info…I suspect they use the native conversion program we use. Layout Plugins | 2024

Thanks for the feedback… I couldnt get it to work. It was causing a problem with the IPR. It would not render the TFD and VDB together only if one or the other was turned off or I used the picture viewer renderer to render it. So I just had to manage turning things on and off…depending on what I was working on in the moment…

Am not sure why you would want both ? Best to just render out the bdc files on arnold if you have them all and not go through the hassle of conv to vdb

I had a stock VDB file for rendering and then the TFD sim for rendering… two different elements… the IPR would crash when I had them turned both on. It was a smoke element and then a fire simulation…in the same scene… I would just turn one off and check the scene with the IPR… its ok now I got used to the workflow.

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