The bcf2vdb command line utility converts TFD’s .bcf simulation cache files to .vdb files. The utility is part of the licensed plugin package. It is a transitional solution until the next major release that will make VDB export part of the main plugin functionality.
Simple Usage
Find the cache base folder you want to convert from the TFD container in your scene. In the shot below the cache base folder is C:\Users\jascha\TurbulenceFD Caches 007.
Navigate to C:\Program Files\Jawset TurbulenceFD\bcf2vdb
(TFD v1.0 1472 and older: Navigate to the bcf2vdb folder inside your TurbulenceFD installation. You extracted the TurbulenceFD package somewhere and added the path to C4D’s plugin paths or extracted it into C4D’s plugins folder.)
The converted .vdb files are inside the cache folder you dragged.
Advanced Usage
Open Command Prompt from the Windows start menu.
Note that Powershell is different from Command Prompt and will not work with the instructions below.
In Finder open /Applications/TurbulenceFD/bcf2vdb
(TFD v1.0 1472 and before: You extracted the TurbulenceFD package somewhere and added the path to C4D’s plugin paths or extracted it into C4D’s plugins folder. Open the TurbulenceFD folder inside this plugin folder.)
Drag the file bcf2vdb/bcf2vdb.exe from the TurbulenceFD folder to your command prompt.
The full path of the .exe file should appear in the command line.
Press Return to see a list of options of the bcf2vdb utility.
Press Up Arrow to get the path of the bcf2vdb.exe into the current command line again.
Press Space, drag a cache folder into the command prompt and press Return to start the conversion.
In order to add options to the command, append them separated by spaces to the command line before pressing Return.
Simple Usage
Find the cache base folder you want to convert from the TFD container in your scene. In the shot below the cache base folder is /Users/jascha/TurbulenceFD Caches 001.
Navigate to the bcf2vdb folder inside your TurbulenceFD installation.
You extracted the TurbulenceFD package somewhere and added the path to C4D’s plugin paths or extracted it into C4D’s plugins folder.
Open Terminal
Open the dashboard by either pinching on the touchpad, pressing F4 (or Fn+F4). Then type terminal and press Return. Alternatively you can use Finder to navigate to /Applications/Utilities and double click Terminal.
Drag the file bcf2vdb from the bcf2vdb folder in the TurbulenceFD folder to the Terminal window.
The full path of the file should appear in the command line.
Thanks Paul, I am not working on a project.
I was watching a tutorial which used the bcf2vdb tool, and I saw the Mac instructions above. But don’t know how you get it (it’s not in the Mac download).
Since v1.0 1474, bcf2vdb gets installed to /Applications/TurbulenceFD/bcf2vdb/bcf2vdb on macOS and C:\Program Files\Jawset TurbulenceFD\bcf2vdb\bcf2vdb.exe on Windows. Otherwise it works like in the guide above.
Converting the cache simply doesn’t work for me. I have tried the drag and drop method directly onto the bcf2vdb executable file and the command window pops up for a fraction of a second and goes away.
I have done the command line version, followed multiple tutorials on youtube, double checked command line syntax and no joy. TFD works great if I’m just keeping my project in C4D and using it with Arnold or Redshift without a VDB workflow but if I need to take projects into other DCC’s like Houdini or Clarisse IFX as I do with some of my clients I’m boned.
At this point i’m actively considering just doing even these simpler fluid sims in Houdini even though the setup is longer, or if I have to giving FumeFX a shot which I had passed over in favor of TFD’s GPU accelerated features. Honestly, I can’t imagine why the industry standard VDB output isn’t supported directly in TFD ? I use X-particles for other types of work and it’s sims for fluids are crap but even it natively supports VDB. Sorry I know this sounds like a bunch of whining but at this point i’m pretty frustrated with the experience.
I’m going to take one last crack at this before jumping ship. Any help would be appreciated.
TFD v1.0 - 1483, C4D s24.111, Windows 10 Pro 19041.1451
3990x 64 Core CPU
4x 3090
One possible reason for this would be dropping not the folder that contains the .bcf files, but a parent folder that contains more cache folders. For example, the default “TurbulenceFD Caches 001” folder shouldn’t be dropped, but only folders inside it, like “TurbulenceFD Caches 001\Cache 001”. Also, only drop one folder at a time.
I fully agree with your criticism. This external VDB conversion is indeed “not a great solution”. Reactions, the successor to TFD, has it built in and you can convert with a single click or simulate directly to VDB.
Thank you for the response. Yeah I made sure that there were no nested folders - just the direct folder itself which was sort of self evident from the start because how would bcf2vdb know which folder needed conversion if it wasn’t isolated first.
Not sure what to do at this point other than just switching to another product
If some other message appears, pleased post it. Otherwise, the converter works and the problem might be something else. To figure out what, please do the following:
Drag the exe to the command window again,
Press Space
Drag a cache folder to the window
Press Enter
You should see the conversion progress similar to this: